oracle emctl is not working
if oracle emctl is not working or not starting .Need to check down one by one :- 1. is emctl start responds ? 2. if yes , then check 1158 port is open or not ? 3. if port is not opening then request to IT team to open it , if its opened then move to next step . 4.check the firewall at your end , some times firewall prevents to start the OracleDbConsoleorcl services . 5.check the dbsnmp account status ,it may be locked or its password has been expired, unlock it and if require change the password. 6. If everything is OK , then reconfigure the OEM. Here i am sharing the steps to configre the EM from scratch , even if the database is running , please get approval to before run on Production :- 1. Please set the following environment variables ORACLE_SID ORACLE_HOSTNAME 2.Delete DB Control Configuration Files Manually: - Remove the following directories from your filesystem: <ORACLE_HOME>/<hostname_sid> <ORACLE_HOME>/oc4j/j2ee/OC4J_