ORA-16191: Primary log shipping client not logged on standby

The error appears in the ALRET log file AS :- 
Check that the primary and standby are using a password file
and remote_login_passwordfile is set to SHARED or EXCLUSIVE,
and that the SYS password is same in the password files. returning error ORA-16191
ORA-16191 -Primary log shipping client not logged on standby 

Solution :- 
1.Defer the remote archival destination (log_archive_dest_state_n) parameter in primary. In case of RAC defer LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_n in all nodes.
2.check parameter REMOTE_PASSWORDFILE is set to either EXCLUSIVE or SHARED on the both database .
3.Delete the old password file and create the new one for both the DBs.In case of RAC shutdown all instance of standby before recreating the password file by below command :-

orapwd file=$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapw$ORACLE_SID password=sys entries=5 force=y ignorecase=Y 

4. set the parameter SEC_CASE_SENSITIVE_LOGON=FALSE on both DBs.
5.Enable the remote archival destination (log_archive_dest_state_n) parameter in primary.
6. Log into standby database and stop the recovery as

SQL> alter database recover managed standby database cancel;

7.  Now restart the recovery as

SQL>alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session ;

8.Perform a log switch on the primary database and check the archive sequence ,archive destination  and alert logfile. 



  1. so what was the size of the redo logs SYNC or ASYNC used in transport....especially if the Prim db is over 5 TB . How big are the size and how effective are they (small or big) during the redo transport. Thanks


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